Building Grid Projection Files#

Application Configuration#

The gridspec application supports grid-projections defined from both netCDF-formatted and GRIB-formatted file attributes. Example netCDF- and GRIB-derived configurations, respectively, follow.

netCDF Configurations#

gridspec_netcdf: /run/
  ncfile: /work/ufs_tools/gridspec/0p25/mom6/
  ncxdim: x
  ncydim: y
  ncvarname: angle_dx
  ncfile: /work/ufs_tools/gridspec/0p25/mom6/
  ncxdim: nx
  ncydim: ny
  ncvarname: y
  ncfile: /work/ufs_tools/gridspec/0p25/mom6/
  ncxdim: nx
  ncydim: ny
  ncvarname: x

Configuration Variable



The input grid-projection angle orientation; this is used for instances of rotating velocity vectors for different grid projections – namely tripolar type; for instances when the angle variable has not been defined or included within the respective netCDF-formatted file path, the corresponding YAML block should be commented out.


The netCDF-formatted file path to contain the computed/defined grid-projection.


The input grid-projection latitude coordinate attributes.


The input grid-projection longitude coordinate attributes.

The YAML keys for the respective angle, latitude, and longitude blocks are as follows.

Configuration Variable



The path to the netCDF-formatted file containing the supergrid for the respective grid-projection.


The netCDF-formatted file variable name for the respective geographical coordinate/attribute.


The zonal-coordinate (i.e., \(x\)) netCDF dimension name.


The meridional-coordinate (i.e., \(y\)) netCDF dimension name.

Using the a \(1.0^{\circ}\) MOM6 tripolar-projection supergrid as an example, the netCDF gridspec attributes listed in the table above may be found as follows.

user@host:$ ncdump -h /work/ufs_tools/gridspec/0p25/mom6/

netcdf {
        nyp = 641 ;
        nxp = 721 ;
        ny = 640 ;
        nx = 720 ;
        string = 255 ;

        char tile(string) ;
        double y(nyp, nxp) ;
                y:units = "degrees" ;
        double x(nyp, nxp) ;
                x:units = "degrees" ;
        double dy(ny, nxp) ;
                dy:units = "meters" ;
        double dx(nyp, nx) ;
                dx:units = "meters" ;
        double area(ny, nx) ;
                area:units = "m2" ;
        double angle_dx(nyp, nxp) ;
                angle_dx:units = "degrees" ;

GRIB Configurations#

gridspec_netcdf: /run/
grib_file: /path/to/input/grib/file
grib_varname: grib_variable_name

Configuration Variable



The path to the WMO GRIB-formatted file containing variables defined on a supported grid projection.


The GRIB-formatted variable containing the respective grid projection.

Note that in the above example that the latitude and longitude grid-dimension attributes ncxdim and ncydim are set to nx and ny despite the netCDF-formatted file metadata attributes. This is due to how the tripolar supergrid is reduced to compute the nominal resolution gridspec grid.

Launching the Application#

The available gridspec application command-line interface (CLI) attributes are as follows.

user@host:$ cd scripts
user@host:$ ./ --help

2000-01-01 00:00:00 :: INFO :: __main__: Beginning application
Usage: [-h] [-arakawa_a] [-arakawa_c] [-grib] [-netcdf] [-reglatlon] [-supergrid] [-tripolar] [-wrap_lons] yaml

Gridspec application interface.

Positional Arguments:
yaml        YAML-formatted file containing the gridspec application configuration.

Optional Arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -arakawa_a  The source grid-projection is Arakawa-A.
  -arakawa_c  The source grid-projection is Arakawa-C.
  -grib       The source grid-projection is derived from GRIB variable attributes.
  -netcdf     The source grid-projection is derived from a netCDF-formatted file.
  -reglatlon  The destination grid-projection is a regular latitude/longitude projection.
  -supergrid  The source grid-projection is a `supergrid` projection.
  -tripolar   The destination grid-projection is a tripolar grid projection; only supported for Arakawa-C instances.
  -wrap_lons  Wrap longitude values and normalize as required; only supported for Arakawa-C instances.

Tripolar Grid Projections#

An example application for computing and/or definining the gridspec attributes for a \(5.0^{\circ}\) Arakawa-C tripolar grid projection is as follows.

user@host:$ cd scripts
user@host:$ ./ --arakawa_c --netcdf --supergrid --tripolar --wrap_lons  /ufs_tools/parm/gridspec/gridspec.tripolar.5p0.yaml

2000-01-01 00:00:00 :: INFO :: __main__: Beginning application
2000-01-01 00:00:00 :: INFO :: utils.schema_interface:

|  Variable  |  Type  |  Optional  | Default Value   | Assigned Value   |
| arakawa_a  |  bool  |    True    | False           | False            |
| reglatlon  |  bool  |    True    | False           | False            |
| wrap_lons  |  bool  |    True    | False           | True             |
|    grib    |  bool  |    True    | False           | False            |
|  tripolar  |  bool  |    True    | False           | True             |
| supergrid  |  bool  |    True    | False           | True             |
| arakawa_c  |  bool  |    True    | False           | True             |

2000-01-01 00:00:00 :: INFO :: utils.schema_interface: Schema successfully validated.
2000-01-01 00:00:00 :: INFO :: gridspec.write.GridSpecWrite: Writing gridspec output to path /run/
2000-01-01 00:00:00 :: INFO :: __main__: Completed application
2000-01-01 00:00:00 :: INFO :: __main__: Total Elapsed Time: 0.08440637588500977 seconds.

user@host:$ /path/to/ncdump -h /run/

netcdf gridspec.tripolar.5p0 {
     nx = 72 ;
     nxp = 72 ;
     ny = 35 ;
     nyp = 35 ;
     double angle(ny, nx) ;
             string angle:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             angle:desc = "Grid projection rotation angle; radians." ;
             angle:type = "float64" ;
     double qlat(ny, nx) ;
             string qlat:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             qlat:desc = "Array of q-grid latitudes; degrees north." ;
             qlat:type = "float64" ;
     double qlon(ny, nx) ;
             string qlon:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             qlon:desc = "Array of q-grid longitudes; degrees east." ;
             qlon:type = "float64" ;
     double tlat(ny, nx) ;
             string tlat:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             tlat:desc = "Array of t-grid latitudes; degrees north." ;
             tlat:type = "float64" ;
     double tlon(ny, nx) ;
             string tlon:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             tlon:desc = "Array of t-grid longitudes; degrees east." ;
             tlon:type = "float64" ;
     double ulat(ny, nx) ;
             string ulat:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             ulat:desc = "Array of u-grid latitudes; degrees north." ;
             ulat:type = "float64" ;
     double ulon(ny, nx) ;
             string ulon:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             ulon:desc = "Array of u-grid longitudes; degrees east." ;
             ulon:type = "float64" ;
     double vlat(ny, nx) ;
             string vlat:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             vlat:desc = "Array of v-grid latitudes; degrees north." ;
             vlat:type = "float64" ;
     double vlon(ny, nx) ;
             string vlon:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             vlon:desc = "Array of v-grid longitudes; degrees east." ;
             vlon:type = "float64" ;

// global attributes:
             :_FillValue = NaN ;
             :date = "00:00:00 UTC 01 January 2000" ;
             :created = "x0x0x0x0x0x0" ;
             :source = "Arakawa-C" ;
             :source_supergrid = "True" ;
             :source_tripolar = "True" ;
             :wrapped_lons = "True" ;

Note that for tripolar Arakawa-C projections nx = nxp and ny = nyp. The netCDF metadata attributes are as follows.

Metadata Variables(s)



The grid projection rotation angle; this is used for non-Arakawa-A grids to rotate velocity vectors relative to the center of the respective grid cell; units are degrees.

qlat, qlon

The geographical coordinates for the respective grid cell vertices; units are degrees.

tlat, tlon

The geographical coordinates for the respective grid cell centers; these are often referred to as the mass-variable locations; units are degrees.

ulat, ulon

The geographical coordinates for the zonal velocity components for the respective Arakawa-type grid; units are degrees.

vlat, vlon

The geographical coordinates for the meridional velocity components for the respective Arakawa-type grid; units are degrees.

Regular Latitude/Longitude Projections#

An example application for computing and/or definining the gridspec attributes for a \(1.0^{\circ}\) regular latitude/longitude (e.g., Gaussian) grid projection is as follows.

user@host:$ cd scripts
user@host:$ ./ --reglatlon --grib /ufs_tools/parm/gridspec/gridspec.reglatlon.1p0.yaml

2000-01-01 00:00:00 :: INFO :: __main__: Beginning application
2000-01-01 00:00:00 :: INFO :: utils.schema_interface:

|  Variable  |  Type  |  Optional  | Default Value   | Assigned Value   |
| wrap_lons  |  bool  |    True    | False           | False            |
| reglatlon  |  bool  |    True    | False           | True             |
| supergrid  |  bool  |    True    | False           | False            |
|  tripolar  |  bool  |    True    | False           | False            |
| arakawa_c  |  bool  |    True    | False           | False            |
| arakawa_a  |  bool  |    True    | False           | False            |
|    grib    |  bool  |    True    | False           | True             |

2000-01-01 00:00:00 :: INFO :: utils.schema_interface: Schema successfully validated.
2000-01-01 00:00:00 :: INFO :: Parsing GRIB-formatted file path /run/gfs.1p0.pgrb2 and seeking a GRIB record for variable Temperature.
2000-01-01 00:00:00 :: INFO :: gridspec.write.GridSpecWrite: Writing gridspec output to path /run/

user@host:$ /path/to/ncdump -h /run/

netcdf gridspec.reglatlon.1p0 {
     nx = 360 ;
     nxp = 360 ;
     ny = 181 ;
     nyp = 181 ;
     double angle(ny, nx) ;
             string angle:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             angle:desc = "Grid projection rotation angle; radians." ;
             angle:type = "float64" ;
     double qlat(ny, nx) ;
             string qlat:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             qlat:desc = "Array of q-grid latitudes; degrees north." ;
             qlat:type = "float64" ;
     double qlon(ny, nx) ;
             string qlon:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             qlon:desc = "Array of q-grid longitudes; degrees east." ;
             qlon:type = "float64" ;
     double tlat(ny, nx) ;
             string tlat:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             tlat:desc = "Array of t-grid latitudes; degrees north." ;
             tlat:type = "float64" ;
     double tlon(ny, nx) ;
             string tlon:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             tlon:desc = "Array of t-grid longitudes; degrees east." ;
             tlon:type = "float64" ;
     double ulat(ny, nx) ;
             string ulat:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             ulat:desc = "Array of u-grid latitudes; degrees north." ;
             ulat:type = "float64" ;
     double ulon(ny, nx) ;
             string ulon:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             ulon:desc = "Array of u-grid longitudes; degrees east." ;
             ulon:type = "float64" ;
     double vlat(ny, nx) ;
             string vlat:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             vlat:desc = "Array of v-grid latitudes; degrees north." ;
             vlat:type = "float64" ;
     double vlon(ny, nx) ;
             string vlon:dims = "ny", "nx" ;
             vlon:desc = "Array of v-grid longitudes; degrees east." ;
             vlon:type = "float64" ;

// global attributes:
             :_FillValue = NaN ;
             :date = "00:00:00 UTC 01 January 2000" ;
             :created = "x0x0x0x0x0x0" ;
             :source = "Regular Latitude/Longitude" ;
             :source_supergrid = "False" ;
             :source_tripolar = "False" ;
             :wrapped_lons = "False" ;