Remapping Analyses and Initial Conditions#

Analysis remapping, supported by the available remapping types (i.e., ESMF, SLINT, etc.,), can be accomplished by using the remapper application. For optimal results using the remapper application, the user should first generate the tripolar grid projections using the gridspec for the respective grid-scale resolutions. and subsequently compute the respective interpolate algorithm (i.e., ESMF or SLINT) remapping coefficients via esmf_remap.

Application Configuration#

An example remapper application configuration for a \(0.25^{\circ}\) MOM6 analysis remapping to a \(1.0^{\circ}\) MOM6 tripolar grid projection follows while the respective variables are defined in the subsequent tables.

forecast_model: mom6
app_module: remapper.models.mom6.mom6
app_class: MOM6
output_netcdf: /run/
nlevs: 75
bathy_file: /work/gridspec/1p0/mom6/
bathy_edits_file: /work/gridspec/1p0/mom6/
  source: !INC /ufs_tools/parm/remapper/grids/mom6.0p25.yaml
  destination: !INC /ufs_tools/parm/remapper/grids/mom6.1p0.yaml
  interp_scheme: esmf
  rotate_currents: true
  dstmass2dstuvel_bilinear: /work/esmf_remap/
  dstmass2dstvvel_bilinear: /work/esmf_remap/
  srcmass2dstmass_bilinear: /work/esmf_remap/
  srcmass2dstmass_nrstnghbr: /work/esmf_remap/
  srcuvel2dstmass_bilinear: /work/esmf_remap/
  srcvvel2dstmass_bilinear: /work/esmf_remap/
  srcuvel2srcmass_bilinear: /work/esmf_remap/
  srcvvel2srcmass_bilinear: /work/esmf_remap/
variables: !INC /ufs_tools/parm/remapper/variables/mom62mom6.yaml

Configuration Variable



This is an optional variable specifying the file path to a netCDF-formatted file containing bathymetry value edits; if not being used this should be set to Null or commented out.


The file path to the netCDF formatted file containing the destination grid projection bathymetry.


The forecast model from which the analysis was produced; currently supported are MOM6, CICE, ORAS5, and GLORYS sea-ice.


The respective source and destination grid informations; see the corresponding table below for further information.


The interpolation scheme to be used for the remapping; currently supported schemes are ESMF and SLINT; Note that the files provided beneath the YAML remap key must be generated from the same interpolation scheme.


The total number of vertical levels to be remapped to the destination grid projection.


The netCDF-formatted file path to the remapped (MOM6) analysis variables.


The remapping attributes; see the table below for further information.


The analysis variable remapping attributes; see the table below for more information.

The configuration keys for the respective grids attributes are as follows.

Configuration Variable



The Arakawa type for the respective grid (e.g., destination or source).


The path to the netCDF-formatted file containing the respective grid geographical locations.

mass, uvel, vvel

The respective grid coordinate types for which variables may be defined on an Arakawa type grid; the nclat and nclon variables are the netCDF-formatted file variable names for the respective latitude and longitude geographical locations.


The path to the netCDF-formatted file containing the respective grid topography and corresponding landmask.

The configuration keys for the respective remap attributes are as follows.

Configuration Variable



Bilinear remapping coefficients from the destination uvel grid locations to the destination grid mass grid locations.


Nearest-neighbor remapping coefficients from the destination uvel grid locations to the destination grid mass grid locations.


Bilinear remapping coefficients from the destination vvel grid locations to the destination grid mass grid locations.


Nearest-neighbor remapping coefficients from the destination vvel grid locations to the destination grid mass grid locations.


Bilinear remapping coefficients from the destination mass grid locations to the destination grid uvel grid locations.


Nearest-neighbor remapping coefficients from the destination mass grid locations to the destination grid uvel grid locations.


Bilinear remapping coefficients from the destination mass grid locations to the destination grid vvel grid locations.


Nearest-neighbor remapping coefficients from the destination mass grid locations to the destination grid vvel grid locations.


A boolean variable specifying whether the current vector components must be rotated following remapping; this is True for all staggered Arakawa grids.


Bilinear remapping coefficients from the source mass grid locations to the destination grid mass grid locations.


Nearest-neighbor remapping coefficients from the source mass grid locations to the destination grid mass grid locations.


Bilinear remapping coefficients from the source mass grid locations to the destination grid uvel grid locations.


Nearest-neighbor remapping coefficients from the source mass grid locations to the destination grid uvel grid locations.


Bilinear remapping coefficients from the source mass grid locations to the destination grid vvel grid locations.


Nearest-neighbor remapping coefficients from the source mass grid locations to the destination grid vvel grid locations.


Bilinear remapping coefficients from the source uvel grid locations to the destination grid mass grid locations.


Nearest-neighbor remapping coefficients from the source uvel grid locations to the destination grid mass grid locations.


Bilinear remapping coefficients from the source vvel grid locations to the destination grid mass grid locations.


Nearest-neighbor remapping coefficients from the source vvel grid locations to the destination grid mass grid locations.

The configuration keys for the respective variables attributes are as follows.

Configuration Variable



The destination grid netCDF variable name.


The destination grid grid-staggered locations (e.g., mass, uvel, or vvel).


The interpolation type to be used for remapping; may be either bilinear or nrstnghbr.


The netCDF-formatted file path containing the respective source grid variable values.


The source grid netCDF variable name.


The netCDF x-dimension coordinate variable name for the destination grid (i.e., remapped) varible.


The netCDF y-dimension coordinate variable name for the destination grid (i.e., remapped) varible.


The netCDF z-dimension coordinate variable name for the destination grid (i.e., remapped) varible; this is only required for 3-dimensional variables.

Example configuration files for both MOM6 and CICE remappings can be found here.

Launching the Application#

The remapper application may be launched within the UFS Tools package for the MOM6 example described in the previous section as follows.

user@host:$ cd scripts
user@host:$ ./ --yaml /ufs_tools/parm/remapper/remapper.yaml

If successful the netCDF-formatted file path defined by output_netcdf will be created. The following are selected images illustrating the remapping of MOM6 and CICE \(0.25^{\circ}\) (left) resolution analyses to \(1.0^{\circ}\) (center) and \(5.0^{\circ}\) (right) tripolar grid projections.

MOM6 Sea-Surface Temperature#
_images/MOM6.sst.0p25.png _images/MOM6.sst.1p0.png _images/MOM6.sst.5p0.png
CICE Northern Hemisphere Ice Fraction#
_images/CICE.icefrac.0p25.npstere.png _images/CICE.icefrac.1p0.npstere.png _images/CICE.icefrac.5p0.npstere.png
CICE Southern Hemisphere Ice Fraction#
_images/CICE.icefrac.0p25.spstere.png _images/CICE.icefrac.1p0.spstere.png _images/CICE.icefrac.5p0.spstere.png